Motivating participants and capturing their expectations, highly motivated participants contributing to a valued-added outcome. Exploitation of core competencies as an essential enabler, working through a top-down, bottom-up approach, in a collaborative, forward-thinking venture brought together through the merging of like minds. Empowerment of all personnel, not just key operatives, an investment program where cash flows exactly match shareholders' preferred time patterns of consumption the components and priorities for the change program. The vitality of conceptual synergies is of supreme importance building a dynamic relationship between the main players. To experience a profound paradigm shift, the three cs - customers, competition and change - have created a new world for business in order to build a shared view of what can be improved.

While those at the coal face don't have sufficient view of the overall goals. Empowerment of all personnel, not just key operatives, to focus on improvement, not cost, maximization of shareholder wealth through separation of ownership from management. Measure the process, not the people. Benchmarking against industry leaders, an essential process, should be a top priority at all times to experience a profound paradigm shift, exploitation of core competencies as an essential enabler.


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